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Knowledge base
Getting Started
Intro to the KILT Blockchain & Digital Identity
Where can I find the whitepaper, tokenomics and roadmap?
Where did the name KILT come from?
What exactly is blockchain?
Is KILT going to put my identity on the blockchain?
Does KILT create identities and credentials?
See all 35 articles
Core Functionality
What is a digital identity?
What are decentralized identifiers and credentials?
What is a Claimer? How do I become a Claimer?
What are verifiable credentials?
What is an Attester? How do I become an Attester?
See all 22 articles
What are VCOs?
When will VCOs be available?
What is SocialKYC?
What is Checkout Service?
The Decentralized Identity Provider/DIP
What is DIP?
Can identity providers other than KILT implement the DIP protocol?
Does a blockchain that uses DIP need to be XCM-compatible?
Can OpenID be used with KILT identities?
What is SocialKYC?
Giving Sporran access to the SocialKYC website
Is it possible to use SocialKYC without installing the Sporran extension?
Can you use SocialKYC without creating an identifier in Sporran wallet?
See all 8 articles
KILT Credentials
How do I create SocialKYC credentials on KILT?
If I create a credential, will I be able to see it on another computer when I log in to my Sporran account?
Are there any fees for creating a credential?
How do I make my credentials public?
Why is there a validity date for my credentials?
See all 11 articles
What is DIDsign?
What do I need to sign files using DIDsign?
What kind of files can be signed with DIDsign?
Where are the files I sign stored?
Is DIDsign compliant with GDPR?
See all 9 articles
How do I send my signed file to others?
Do I have to pay every time I sign a file?
Is there a transaction fee every time I sign a file?
How does the person I send the file to check the signature?
How does the verifier know the DID signature is mine?
Do I have to pay to verify a file with DIDsign?
How do I verify a file I receive?
How do I know the DID that signed belongs to the person who sent it?
What is the Sporran?
Where does the name Sporran come from?
Sporran isn’t connecting for me. What should I do?
Sporran and Identity
What is a Sporran identity?
Can I have more than one digital identity in my KILT Sporran?
Sporran and Credentials
How can I save and share my credentials?
KILT Coin Balances
Where can I see my coin balance?
What do the categories listed under Total Balance mean?
How long does it take for my KILT Coin balance to show up in the Sporran?
Can I stake my KILT Coins?
Wallet Functionality
Where do I get the KILT Sporran wallet?
What browsers does the Sporran work with?
Does the KILT Sporran have a desktop version?
Does the KILT Sporran have a mobile version?
Can I have the KILT Sporran on more than one computer or browser?
See all 17 articles
On-Chain DID
What is web3name?
I see some people claiming brand names. Can the web3name be sold to these companies?
Can I send or receive funds using web3names?
Can I have more than one web3name?
Is it possible to transfer my web3name to another KILT identity?
See all 15 articles
Setting up
How do I create a web3name?
How much does a web3name cost?
How do I link my web3name to my address?
How do I create a shareable link for my web3name?
Can I unlink my addresses from my web3name on w3ndi?
Decentralized Identifiers/DIDs
Can I send funds directly to my DID by removing “kilt:did:”?
What is a DID?
How do I get a DID?
How much does a DID cost?
Why does a DID need a deposit?
See all 12 articles
What is blockchain governance?
Why do we need governance?
How do I participate in KILT governance?
When does KILT governance go live?
How do I vote on a KILT referendum?
See all 17 articles
What is staking on KILT?
What is a collator in KILT?
What’s the minimum self-stake for collators?
Is there a maximum self-stake for collators?
How many delegators can a collator have?
What is a delegator in KILT?
Is there a minimum amount I can stake on KILT as a delegator?
Is there a maximum amount I can stake on KILT as a delegator?
Why can’t I stake my KILT Coins?
How many delegators can a collator have?
See all 15 articles
Staking Functionality
How do I stake on Stakeboard?
Will I be able to see my staking rewards on the Stakeboard?
How do I restake KILT Coins? Is it an automatic process?
I have a Polkadot.JS App extension and it also pops up when I connect to the Sporran. Do I need to allow both apps access?
How can I disable the Polkadot.JS popup on Sporran?
See all 19 articles
Polkadot Parachain
Polkadot Parachain
As a KILT Coin holder, DID-owner, credential-holder, staker/delegator, or web3name owner: what will change for me?
After the move, will my KILT Coins be available on both the Kusama and Polkadot parachains?
As a KILT Coin holder, DID-owner, credential-holder, staker/delegator, web3name owner: is there any action required from me?
As a collator, an exchange, or a project using KILT RPC or extrinsics, is there anything I have to do for the KILT move from Kusama zu Polkadot?
Was there a crowdloan for KILT’s Polkadot slot and I missed it?
See all 11 articles
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